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rUgby League

in America

Forum Comments

How to Grow Rugby League in the United States
In General Discussions
Apr 12, 2023
3 points. All working with each other and at the same time. 1- youth, there needs to be more of a push of getting current clubs developing youth programs. Could be something simple like 5 to 10 year Olds playing flag rugby but with league rules. Each team try and have a minimum of 3 to 4 code teams. Each home game there be mini games for these flag teams to play each other. (If clubs are close to each other maybe they encourage the youth to travel with them and play ) Maybe teaming up with current local youth programs if available in the area. (Girls Rugby Inc is a good example of what I mean) 2- high school RL. This I know is harder because most athletic kids are in the mind set of prepping for their athletic careers how ever far it goes, but again maybe offering option for players to travel with the senior teams and play game prior or after senior matches could be an option. Because of distance scheduling could be condensed to 4 to 6 games with the Governing Body (USARL) paying for the two best teams or 4 to meet at location to play minimum tournament for championship . Develop a healthy relationship with local Union sides and simply make a pitch /offer the players who want to keep playing rugby in their off season to try RL. 3- womens RL. I understand right away for some teams it'll be hard to field more then 1 club but there has to be Emphasis on after x years teams have to begin the process or have a women's side available. * once the competition it's self is actually on stable footing ( teams committed for 5 years to play and not folding and forming every other year) get the competition , In what ever form if through USARL or something like the NARL , streaming on twitch, ESPN + or YouTube live.


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